Structure of H4CBD

Effects (Community)
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Effects (For Me)
Mild Sedation
Heavy Relaxation
Mild Pain Relief
Heavy Potentiation (when used in blends)
Muscle Relaxation
Couch lock
Average Effect Length
Come-up: 5-20 Minutes
Peak: 40-90 Minutes
Comedown: 30 Minutes - 1 Hour
Afterglow: 1-3 Hours
Come-up: 30-60 Minutes
Peak: 1-3 Hours
Comedown: 1-2 Hours
Afterglow: 2-3 Hours
Dosage Sizes
Threshold: 5-10mg
Low dose: 10-20mg
Avg dose: 20-40mg
Strong dose: 40mg+
Threshold: 3-5mg
Low dose: 5-10mg
Avg dose: 10-25mg
Strong dose: 25mg+
Best known for:
Being a good cannabinoid for potentiation and harshness when vaped
Hydrogenated CBD
H4CBD has a high viscosity. It is one of the hardest cannabinoids available right now.
Is it a phytocannabinoid? (naturally occurring cannabinoid)
H4CBD is not a phytocannabinoid
My Opinion
H4CBD is a great noid and one of my favorites for potentiation - when added to a blend it can add a great element to your high - it adds some feeling behind your eyes and a bit of couch lock.
Also unlike other cnoids, H4CBD is very mildly psychoactive to some.
However, H4CBD has one large caveat - it is HARSH. Of all the cannabinoids I've tried, H4CBD is the hardest on the throat. It can feel like your throat is being sandblasted with tiny particulates. For this reason I would never have H4CBD over 40% in a blend that I plan to vape/
What can H4CBD do for a blend?
Great Potentiation
Mild Sedation
Shatter texture (when mixed with acetates and then stored cold)
Anxiety Relief ("taking the edge off")
Other notes:
I have seen on very rare occasions people claim that H4CBD got them the highest they've ever been in their lives, which is extremely peculiar. I would normally not mention this but over the last 2 years, I've seen maybe 10 people say this which makes me wonder if there's some weird enzyme or something that only a small part of the population has.
Either that or they got sold HHC as H4CBD. I keep seeing it being said though, so I feel like there may actually be something to it. If you are a person like this please contact me in chat because I'd like to know how other cannabinoids affect you.
9/10. H4CBD is CBD's bigger, stronger and more relaxed brother. It is made by adding 4 hydrogen atoms to the CBD chain (Hence the name H4). It can be described best as having 5-10x stronger medicinal effects than regular CBD with some body high (couch lock) effects. If the phorols and acetates are too strong for you, or you are just looking for something lighter and shorter (about 3-4 hours), you have to try H4CBD, you will love it. If taken in edible form, doses over 1500mg can have deliriant effects. Even better than CBN for Insomnia. Very sedating but also clear minded. Unique and amazing, one of my all time favourites, if only if it wasnt SO HARSH when vaped or smoked, I would have given it a 10/10.
Took 400mg and tripped very hard at points, including audio and visual hallucinations, cevs that were like watching a video, oevs, EXTREME body load, my body "dissolved" at times, and I also felt as if I left my body, and was traveling very quickly in a variety of directions and patterns. This only occurred 3-4 hours after consumption and lasted for and hour before I fell asleep while still tripping.
So yes It did get me high the first time, But I think I ate some one time and that had a HEAVY body load and I was panicking so. Be careful with this one
For those who got super high, I've been wondering if they had an extremely high body load of active noids (for example, going to piss positive for the next 60-90 days), then take a big dose of H4 which potentiates everything already in the body (and possibly resets/reduces tolerance to them at same time).
pretty good
Felt like a psychedelic or like dxm, had auditory hallucinations and closed eyes visuals. Felt like I was gonna die with the worst racing heart.
Not to be a wise guy or anything, I am being honest. After experimenting with smaller amounts, I ate 500 mg H4CBD from well-known suppliers and worked out at the gym for an hour and a half. I didn't notice anything. Today I took 300 mg with the same result. I've also taken 300 mg a few times around bedtime and my sleep didn't seem any different. I normally take 300 mg of regular Broad or Full Spectrum CBD distillate before going to the gym, and the same around bedtime. So far, I haven't noticed increased pain relief, sedation, or any other significant effects from H4CBD. I am a more-than-50-year cannabis user with a fairly high tolerance to THC. BTW I believe I read somewhere that CBD normally does not build tolerance the way THC does, due to different ways in works on the cannabinoid receptors, and of course regular CBD usually only affects CB2 receptors. Thank you for this website. I respectfully suggest that the community poll on effects should have an option for "None of the above," for cases where people find that to be the case. I have indeed put a nice amount of H4CBD into a high-potency distillate blend. Perhaps it will work better for me that way.
H4CBD gets me really high, not the highest ive ever been, but it gets me really faded when smoked, taken orally, its much much stronger.
H4CBD works at 5HT2C and mACH receptors as well as cannabinoids in exceeding doses I think that's how it potentiates the psychoactive noids, it gave me visuals similar to mixing a psychedelic with a deliriant but without the headspace at about 2000mg