This is not a power level chart, this is more about the general enjoyment derived from the noid as well as a look at how effectively each noid can "do it's job" in a blend.
HHCP-O (Video review here)
Strongest/longest lasting
Super couch locked, mind slowed, very d9 edible like but stronger
Well priced
Can vary in quality based on R % values
Stands on its own as well as in blends
Very strong/long lasting
Can vary in quality based on R % values
Varies in price, but can be found at a good one most of the time.
Couch lock, chilled out, mind slowed, edible like high
Delta 9 (Regular ol' weed)
It's good. I know it, you know it, lets move on.
THCP-O (Written review here)
Very strong/long lasting
Floaty, dreamlike high. Very cerebral.
Well priced
Strong, lasts quite a while
Kind of speedy, creative high
Overhyped in marketing (these all are but THC-P was the first one to really go there hard imo)
D9's hydrogenated counterpart
Feels very D9 like, the most so of the base noids I've tried
Power is around 2/3 of D9 with less anxiety
Calm and serene feeling
D8 THC-O's big brother, feels very similar to the relationship between D8 and D9
Dreamy, floaty high - mostly a head high
Best when paired with other noids
Slow comeup and comedown
Feels just a bit weaker than D9, despite the marketing trying to cram the idea of 3x D9 down your throat
Strong, about 3/5 potency of D9 THC-P
Hits very quick
Feels like a Phorol noid combined with d8 and CBG - good to frontload blends with
Strong, about 3/5 potency of D9 THC-P
Slightly stimulating
Head buzz
"All over the place" type feeling
Strong, about 4/5 potency of D9 THC-P
Much more chilled out than THC-H
Calming compared to THC-H
Spaced out feeling
Face tingles
D8 THC-P (Written review here)
Weaker than D9 THC-P, but still strong
Feels like the midpoint between D9 THC-P and HHC-P
Deeper body stone than D9 THC-P
Starting to be found at good prices
Same basic effects as HHC, but takes longer to hit and lasts longer
A tad stronger than HHC
Tastes bad (many compare it to burnt rubber)
Best in blends under at concentrations of 30% due to flavor
Incredibly hard to work with - stays solid until around 170f
This is one of the noids that your liver produces when you eat HHC
Vaped effects are very similar to HHC edibles, just hits quicker. Strength sits in between the acetates and the H noids.
Overpriced (imo)
Some batches taste like vinegar
Feels like a dreamlike, floatier version of d8
Needs other noids to support it
Lacks depth
Pairs well with D8
Delta 8
Hits quick
Cerebral High
Lacks Depth
Cheap as hell
Needs other noids to support it
Pairs well with THC-O
Delta 6a10a
Usually sold as D10 or inside of D10 as it is a byproduct of it's production that is very hard to avoid. (which is the reason D10 isn't on this list, I've yet to see someplace with truly pure D10, no matter what their marketing might have you believe)
Gives many headaches
Not strong
Not worth it at all imo.
CNOID Tier List
S Tier
CBC is a calming potentiator, and also thin, making it great for carts and blends. CBC has a similar calming effect to CBD, but more intense.
Very calming
Great potentiator
Good for making carts
CBDo is a great potentiator and a very unique noid. If you are familiar with the dreamlike qualities of THC-O, CBDo adds much of that to any blend you add it to. It does not cause a high like THCo, but when added to a blend it certainly adds some elements that feel very similar to it. Very smooth and a great thinner.
Anxiety Relief
"All over the place" feeling
H4CBD is the hydrogenated form of CBD. It's known to be very thick at room temp and the flavor is somewhere between rubber, plastic, and rubbing alcohol - leaving a lot to be desired. Definitely hard on the throat. Just as harsh as D8. You feel H4CBD right in your face and it gives you a large amount of couch lock. Not super great as a functional Cnoid, but great to intensify your stronger blends. Some have reported it as being mildly psychoactive, but far more people do not feel this effect.
Couch Lock
Face feels "fuzzy"
Thick, so a good amount of thinner is needed if you want to have a cart with high %'s of H4CBD
A Tier
CBT is a very unique noid. It feels like no other noid, giving you a very scatterbrained, all-over-the-place type feeling. It also potentiates in a very similar fashion to CBC, just in a far less calming manner. Great thinner as well.
All over the place, scatterbrained type feeling
Great potentiator
Great for making carts
CBD-V is a great noid for focus without all the stimulation of THC-V or CBG. CBD-V is a more relaxed focus enhancer than CBG or THC-V, making it a good choice for those with anxiety.
Calming in some, Stimulating in others
CBNo is the acetylated version of CBN. It is even more powerfully sleep-inducing than CBN but takes longer to hit. The onset can be very rapid, causing a lot of drowsiness very quickly. CBNo can also potentiate a blend quite a bit.
Extremely sleep inducing
Takes a while to hit
Helps with anxiety
CBD-P is the phorol version of CBD. It is much stronger and requires far less to be active and lasts longer than CBD too - effects for pain seem to be amazing. I had made a blend for my grandmother's pain issues and it helped but she needed many pills throughout the day. After I added 9% CBD-P to the blend she only needs 1 pill a day and she says it works even better. Little to no recreational value though making the 50-dollar price tag quite hard to swallow, but it's still A tier in my book because of how effective it is. Sad to not see more of it on the market.
Very good pain relief
Improved balance
Moderate anxiety relief
B Tier
CBG is a very stimulating noid, so much so that it can cause anxiety in those prone to it. CBG is also a great appetite suppressant, making it a good weight loss helper. CBG is good for focus as well.
Appetite Suppressant
CBN is first and foremost sleep-inducing. That is its main role when it is present - however, CBN can also help with anxiety and muscle relaxation.
Sleep inducing
Help with anxiety
C Tier
CBD is the most common Cnoid on the market today. CBD is very good for a wide variety of issues, such as pain relief, help with anxiety, muscle relaxation and much more. CBD is a very versatile noid.
Good for pain relief
Helps with anxiety
Good Blend Filler
D/F Tier
In my opinion there are no cnoids that fit the D/F category. They are all good in their own ways.