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Blend Guide #5: Recommended Noid Blend Percentages

Updated: Nov 7, 2023


Recommended percentage range: 5%-10%

Minimum for notable effect: 1%

Note: with P-Noids I don't recommend percentages over 15% for daily use. Past this point, you start to build tolerance so fast that after a few days you may as well have had it at 5% anyways.

Non-Acetylated Main Noids (D8, D9, HHC)

Recommended percentage range: 40%-90%

Minimum for notable effect: 20%

Note: These are the main noids in most blends - they hit quick and get the job done. These are the noids that you will build most of your other blends around. Think of these noids as the main characters in a play, and the rest as supporting roles.

Acetylated Main Noids (D8 THC-O, D9 THC-O, HHC-O)

Recommended percentage range: 10%-40%

Minimum for notable effect: 10%

Note: For me the acetylated noids don't taste great and lack the depth of the main noids. Because of that, I like to keep the percentage under 50%. These noids do a really good job of adding some dreamlike qualities to a blend. They also are great for smoothing out harsh blends.

Unique Noids (THC-B, THC-H, HHC-H, 8-OH-HHC)

Recommended percentage range: 5-15%

Minimum for notable effect: 3%

Note: These are a bit less potent than THC-P, so plan accordingly in your blend.

Main Cnoids (CBD, CBDo, H4CBD, CBG, CBN, CBNo)

Recommended percentage range: 10%-40%

Minimum for notable effect: 5%

Note: These noids are better in high concentration than other Cnoids.

Unique Cnoids (CBC, CBT, CBDv)

Recommended percentage range: 3-15%

Minimum for notable effect: 3%

Note: These noids don't need to be in high concentrations to feel their effects. They can make a blend very liquid-y (CBC and CBT, not so much CBDv), so be careful.


Recommended percentage range: 3-8%

Minimum for notable effect: 1%

Note: Not all terps will be as strong as the others. Also, mix the terps at room temp if you can to protect them.


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