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- Turkey's "Monthly" Newsletter: November 2024
This is an overview of everything that happened in the last 30 days on the website as well as in the world of cannabinoids. Sorry I missed a few months. The site saw the following updates and additions: The Classical Cannabinoid Consumers Guide 2025 Edition Release An updated version of the 2024 classical cannabinoid consumers guide that is packed with even more info and for a much cheaper price. The softback is $18, the hardcover is $25. It is also available as an ebook for free if you have Kindle Unlimited. Learn everything you need to know about classical cannabinoids like HHC, D8 THC, THC-H, CBC, and many more. This guide will take you from not knowing anything about cannabinoids to making the perfect blends for any given situation. Everything from a beginner's guide to advanced blending techniques to safety info and more are covered in this guide. This guide has all the info on classical cannabinoids you need to know. Added THC-C8 Cannabinoid Info Sheet THC-C8 is a brand-new strong cannabinoid that is intensely hazy and sleepy. THC-C8 feels like HHCPo in many ways but with a stronger body high and a slight power bump down, though I have heard reports of others saying it was the strongest cannabinoid they have tried. For me personally I think HHCPo takes the power cake, but it is a close race to be sure. Added Sedation Tier List A tier list that describes which cannabinoids are best for sleep. Lowered Rig Prices Many rigs are $40 now Added Quartz Bangers to the shop 25mm wide 14mm male flat top bangers for 13.99$ Updated Multiple Tier Lists Added newer cannabinoids to the tier lists that were missing them Industry News/Articles: Czechia Senate approves new restrictions on sale of kratom and cannabis-derivative HHC USDA Won’t Enforce Rule Requiring Hemp To Be Tested At DEA Labs For Another Year Due To ‘Inadequate’ Access For Growers Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick Launches Major Legislative Initiative to Ban All THC "New Jersey Begins Enforcing Ban on Intoxicating Hemp Products" New legislation would ban sale of intoxicating hemp in Ohio
- Cannabinoid Sedation Tier List
A tier list that describes which cannabinoids are best for sleep. THIS IS ALL MY OPINION BASED ON MY EXPERIENCE, NOT SCIENTIFIC FACT!
- Cannabinoid Harshness Tier List
- Is D8 THC-P Overlooked? (D8 THC-P vs D9 THC-P comparison)
I've found that every cannabinoid I’ve tried has unique properties that make it stand out from the rest, yet I’ve written off D8 THC-P as “just weaker” than D9 THC-P without actually having tried it. I see a lot of the same sentiment around, so I figured I’d get both and put it to the test. On paper, D8 THC-P should be many times worse than D9 THC-P, HOWEVER, that was not my experience. With D8 THCP, the experience was notably weaker, but not as much so as the numbers might have you expect. For me, it felt around ¾ as strong, and notably different. I was surprised with how much I enjoyed it. I’d call it a slightly weaker halfway point between D9 THC-P and HHC-P. Much more body high than the D9 THC-P, as well as it being a much calmer, less speedy, more stoney high. I’ve gotten to try a blend with D8 THC-P and D9 THC-P, and it is really great. Ultra potent, and it feels a lot more rounded out as an experience than with just D8 THC-P. So here’s the real issue. Cost. D8 THC-P in general costs about as much as D9 THC-P, and when you see that you can get more power for the same price, you almost always will. I think I might be changing my tune a little though. I think I may actually enjoy D8 THCP more because its just more relaxed. It compliments D9 THC-P super well in a blend. I totally think D8 THC-P has been unfairly written off, largely by people who haven’t tried it. Binding affinity isn’t everything folks! If you can afford it, and already have some D9 THC-P, I say go for it.
- Using Cannabinoids to Aid Alcoholism & Poly-Substance Abuse
Over my time in this community, I’ve found that many people come from a long background of drug abuse, largely skewing toward research chemicals popular in the 2010s. There are also a very large number of autistic individuals within this community. Considering this is a hyper-specific drug community it’s not surprising that it might also appeal to people with autism. It’s fairly well known that autistic individuals can have a much harder time dealing with substance abuse and come across it in their lives much more often. Combine that with a mind that fixates on things and you have a recipe for a drug addict who wants to see how far the rabbit hole goes. As for my struggles with addiction, I won’t get into it too much, but by my early 20s I was struggling with alcoholism pretty badly. With that stage set, I turned to anything I could that was cheap to get high to try and distract myself from the alcohol cravings. Right before I left the state I was in I discovered D8 THC, so that was the most obvious candidate for me, and thus began my love for alt-noids. The D8 was great, but not enough for my poly-substance-loving self, so I tried turning to other herbals like kava and mugwart. The kava in particular was helpful because it's a drug that acts on your GABA receptors just like alcohol without any of the more intoxicating effects. If you are a recovering alcoholic, I highly recommend grabbing some kava kava tea from somewhere around you. The most widely available kava kava tea is from a brand called Yogi and it can often be found at Walmart, but I would HIGHLY recommend using this tool to find what store around you sells it. Only 2 stores in my city sell it, so it would be easy to miss. Anyways, for my lifelong drug-addicted self, this was not enough and I had heard things about something called "THC-O". I decided to take a look into it, and wow was this ever what I was looking for. After that, I started asking question after question in the Alt-Cannabinoids Discord server and that was that. I was hooked. The joy of having all these cannabinoids at our disposal doesn't end with feeling good - their variety and versatility can help make different cannabinoids and blends feel like different drugs. To be very clear, I'm not saying they will stop feeling like cannabis, in one way or another all of these cannabinoids feel similar to one another, but still, the difference between a blend with high CBG, THCV, THC-H, and CBT and a blend with high HHC, CBN, CBNo, CBC is very, very, very noticeable. There is something about building blends that do various different things really scratches my poly-substance abuse itch in a safer way. Listen, treating drug addiction with another addiction might be seen as bad but you can easily then begin switching from psychoactive blends to non-psychoactive blends. For a lot of us who have mental illnesses that cause us to have a higher affinity for drugs and poor impulse control, it can be the lesser of all evils. I feel it's important to note at the end of any article like this that I am in no way qualified as any kind of addiction specialist, I'm just an addict in my 20s sharing their experience.
- Best 5 Video Games for Psychoactive Experiences
Audiosurf Audiosurf is a PC video game from 2008 that I consider a must-do experience for anyone early in their stoner career. The game allows you to upload any song you'd like and then "ride" the waveform as a spaceship collecting blocks. There are many game modes but to me, nothing is better than doing Mono Mode with the Iron Mode modifier turned on. You can just turn your brain off and collect every colored brick you see while avoiding the grey blocks, set to whatever song you choose. Fast-paced songs with slow breaks are the best to use in my opinion. If you need a good place to start, every single track on the Monstercat Best Of Future Bass mix is a whole lot of fun all the way through. If you are up for a truly intense experience that tests your endurance I challenge you to try and play through the whole album mix version . It's 38 minutes long and will have you exhausted by the end. One of my all-time accomplishments in gaming is getting a perfect run on that mix. (Every colored block, no greys). Headphones are very highly recommended. You can turn them up as loud as you are comfortable with, but for me having it loud really enhances the experience. Also, if you are lucky enough to own a Subpack or similar wearable subwoofer - you are in for a TREAT. I used to own one and playing Audiosurf with it on while deep into a psychoactive experience is a truly unmatched experience. Like a damn roller coaster. A dark room is also recommended. Or if you are lucky enough to have a lot of Philips Hue lights you can use the Hue Connect App to have the lights match the game. My recommended settings are to make the background dark to be easy on your eyes and to turn all sound effects off as they get in the way of the vibe. Side note: Audiosurf 2 is not nearly as good, stick with Audiosurf 1. Grand Theft Auto 5 Ah, what a classic. Grand Theft Auto 5 is such a perfect game while you are intoxicated. You can play the story mode sure, but the real joy is in free-roaming the world. Mods make this game 100x more fun, make sure to install some even if it's just a basic trainer to let you be invincible and things like that. Click here to see the list of mods I use Mario Oddesy The open and colorful worlds of Mario Oddesy really gain an extra sense of awe when intoxicated. The world of Mario Oddesy is highly detailed and extremely varied. My first playthrough had me very surprised many times with the places and ideas they throw at you. Teardown When I first saw Teardown announced I saw a childhood dream of mine fulfilled. A fully destructible world that you can destroy at your leisure. Little did I know that the worlds the devs created would not be the only worlds to destroy. The mod support and community for this game are absolutely crazy. The amount of high effort, super detailed, and constantly updating projects that are released blow my mind. In this game, you can fight a T Rex with a gun that shoots planes in a fully destructible highly detailed office park. What could possibly be more fun? I really don't know. My favorite map mods are: Russian Town 6, Gwen Mall 7.5, Grand Tear Auto, Minecraft Pillager Outpost, Saphire Luxury Apartments, WW2 Village Extended, A Business Center, Minecraft Taiga Village, Dynamic Office Tower, Notre Dame De Paris, Ikea Showrooms, Human Playground, My favorite weapon mods are: Simple Explosives, Det cord, Weld tool, Paint Bomb, Lava Bucket, Gas Can, Cast Iron Revolver, Boomstick, Annihilator, Lava Gun, Plane Gun, Object Gun, Cinematic Bomb, Bay Bomb, Fire Fighter, Basilisco Airstrike, Thermite Cannon, Guided Missle, Balloons, Physics Gun My favorite other mods are: Godzilla, Megabooster, Midevil Fight, TerREX, Jurassic Park AI Pack, Clear all Fires This game can be hard on your computer - personally, I turn every graphics setting as low as it can go for more FPS while I'm being particularly destructive. The Powder Toy Remember those falling sand games from your childhood? This is that x100. This is less of a game and more of a simulation. When you start you have a blank canvas and you can add a very high number of gasses, solids, and liquids. This version of a falling sand game features many radioactive elements to play with. There's something so hypnotizing and fun about mixing stuff up and seeing what happens. There is also a map-sharing system built in so you can try out other people's creations. Some people have made fully working nuclear reactors! SkyFactory 4 (Minecraft Modpack) Just adding Minecraft to this list felt a bit too easy, so let me introduce you to a favorite mod pack of mine as well. SkyFactory 4 is a very in-depth take on the Skyblock concept, but also pretty repetitive - a wonderful combination for the intoxicated. You can choose between grinding for resources mindlessly or you can get really deep into building a complex machine in order to progress through the achievements. Hard to get lost up there too which certainly can help.
- General Alt Cannabinoid User Survey Results & Analysis (05/25/23)
I decided it would benefit both the community to get some of these questions answered, so I made this survey. I hope you find some interesting takeaways from this. Thank you for taking the time to answer to those of you who participated! For clarity those sampled were from the /r/altcannabinoids subreddit and the /r/altcannabinoids discord, so make sure to keep that in mind while we go through these questions. Want to take a look at the raw data? Find it here. Question 1: Results (Sorted Highest to Lowest) HHC : 38.6% Delta 9 : 30% Delta 8 : 14.3 D9 THCo : 12.9% HHCo : 1.4% D8 THCo : 1.4% Delta 10/6a10a : 1.4% Observations: Never thought I'd see it! I am blown away to see HHC rank higher than Delta 9. It's important to remember that I polled the community we are in when looking at this, but still, those in the know like HHC better. I can understand why given the price and calm nature of HHC vs D9. It's pretty darn hard to dislike HHC or have a bad time on it. Also a bit surprised at the number of people who like D9 THCo vs HHCo. Maybe HHCo is a bridge too far for some people. Too foreign, weird, and far away from the "real stuff". PS: To whoever answered Delta 10/6a10a - who hurt you, man? 😂 Question 2: Results (Sorted Highest to Lowest) D9 THCp : 33.9% HHCp : 28.8% THCP-O : 13.6% THC-H : 8.5% HHCP-O : 5.1% THC-B : 5.1% D8 THCp : 3.3% 10-OH-HHC : 1.7% Observations: D9 THCp and HHCp being the top of the heap was to be expected given the price-to-performance ratio it has over the rest. Of the 5 people surveyed who have tried 10-OH-HHC, someone has said it's their favorite noid. Kind of makes me want to try it out. As of right now, it's the only noid I have not tried but I do know that 8-OH-HHC has really grown on me effects-wise lately (best at 20% in blends, I found). We also see a continuation of people having a severe bias against the hydrogenated acetates with only 5.1% of people surveyed saying HHCP-O was their favorite while 13.6% of people said THCP-O was their favorite. In my opinion, HHCP-O is the far superior noid so I can't help but wonder if there's a bit of fear happening because it's been so heavily changed, because effects wise I'd take HHCP-O any day over THCP-O. To those of you who answered D8 THCp, shout out! D8 THCp is super overlooked and I even made a video and post about that very topic. Question 3: Results (Sorted Highest to Lowest) CBN : 31.4% CBG : 21.4% CBD : 21.4% H4CBD : 15.7% CBC : 5.7% CBNo : 1.4% CBDv : 1.4% CBDo : 1.4% Observations: CBD being in third place really surprises me considering how cheap and normal it is now. A lot of people are sleeping on putting CBD in their blends, thinking it will kill the high. CBN is undeniably good, but my bet was on CBC for this one. Not only because it's so soothing but because it's also so useful as a thinning agent. Maybe the price or lack of popularity is holding it back from being people's favorite. Question 3: Results (Sorted Highest to Lowest) I prefer blends : 71.4% I prefer raw or only terped cannabinoids : 28.6% Observations: What a blowout! We need more affordable bulk blends in this industry. People love blends but most can only get them in carts or in small quantities. Question 4: Results (Sorted Highest to Lowest) Yes, I made it myself : 55.6% Yes, but only pre-blended products : 30.6% No : 13.9% Observations: Great to see the DIY option on top. Definitely not the expected outcome, but given the crowd surveyed, I suppose it makes sense. The 13.9% of people who have never tried a blend likely are a part of the 29% of people who answered raw for the last question - makes me wonder if they tried one if that 29% would get to look more like 20%. Question 5: Results (Sorted Highest to Lowest) Delta 9 : 93.1% Delta 8 : 90.3% D9 THCo : 61.1% D9 THCp : 61.1% HHCo : 58.3% D8 THCo : 56.9% D8 THCp : 51.4% HHCp : 51.4% Delta 10/6a10a : 47.2% THCv : 38.9% THCa : 36.1% THCP-O : 33.3% CBDa : 27.8% HHCP-O : 23.6% THC-H : 23.6% CBGa : 23.6% CBDv : 22.2% THC-B : 19.4% HHC-H : 16.7% 8-OH-HHC : 8.3% 10-OH-HHC : 6.9% Observations: D8 THCp has been tried by more people than HHCp, which comes as a big shock to me. D8 THCp was popular for a very small window of time and while it’s still out there for purchase. Not talking any bad on D8 THCp, but given the public perception of it being “just weaker D9 THCp” I’m surprised this many people took the plunge. Question 6: Results (Sorted Highest to Lowest) Yes : 75% No : 25% Observations: As much as I hate what it will do to pricing, I have to agree with the masses here. There is 100 boof brands for every good one it seems. Right now we have rampant dishonesty throughout the whole industry. From COAs to cuts to fake noids - your average consumer who trusts anything with packaging is going to get burned. All that being said, I'm not exactly optimistic that these psycoactive noids will survive the 2023 farm bill in a regulated state. It seems, at least right now, that they are either going to take it away or not. I've not seen a lot of legal talk about regging these noids. Maybe in a 5-10 years if we get fed legalization we can get them legal and regged, but then I feel like we'd end up with companies selling them at insane prices. We are in the wild west of noids right now folks. Question 7: Results (Sorted Highest to Lowest) No, I usually do not : 57.7% Sometimes : 25.4% Yes, pretty much always : 16.9% Observations: About 60/40 on people using at least some water to vape in their routine. I'd suspect that a large hunk of the 60% are cart users. Question 8: Results (Sorted Highest to Lowest) 0.25G - 0.5G : 30.6% I do not smoke daily : 23.6% 0.1G - 0.25G : 20.8% 0.5G - 1G : 16.7% 1G - 2G : 6.9% 5G - 10G : 1.4% Observations: More people smoke 0.25 - 0.5G a day than people who do no smoke daily in this community hahaha. I thought the most popular choice would be 0.1G - 0.25G, but it makes sense that people who smoke daily would need a little more than that to get the job done. Also, my word , someone out there is smoking 5G - 10G a day? I kind of would like to hear more about that. Comment on the reddit thread if that was you and tell us how in the hell you do that every day. Question 9: Results (Sorted Highest to Lowest) 0.1G - 0.25G : 47.9% I do not smoke daily : 35.2% 0.25G - 0.5G : 7% 0.5G - 1G : 4.2% 1G - 2G : 4.2% 5G - 10G : 1.4% Observations: Pretty consistent with the last question, but with a tad less usage across the board. Question 11: Results (Sorted Highest to Lowest) Yes, I had a good first experience : 70.8% I had a so-so first experience: 15.3% No - Looking back on it with what I know now, it was bad, but I did not know it at the time: 12.5% No - It was bad and I knew it at the time : 1.4% Observations: Seems like most people had a good first time with noids, with only 13.9% of people having any kind of a bad first experience. Lower than I would have guessed with how much boof the gas station carts are but the human body is indeed mighty resilient. Question 12: Results (Sorted Highest to Lowest) See Above Observations: It sure aint fully easy to explain the safety of these noids irl. Very annoying when you have to explain that science exists to a functional adult when they start saying "ItS NoT NatUrAL" and shit like that.
- Cannabinoid Tolerance Management Tips
With all the cannabinoids out today, it's fairly easy to dab daily and fairly frequently without your tolerance always on the rise. Over the last 10 years I've been smoking weed, this is the system I've created to allow myself as much dabbing as I'd like without my tolerance getting out of control. In this article, I'll share those tips with you. Need a tolerance reset to get started? Check out this guide: Rule 1: No long tailchian cannabinoids (P's, H's, B's) or D9 before 5pm This prevents you from falling into a cycle of only using these cannabinoids because they slowly become the only ones that work for you. It also prevents you from consuming entirely too much of them - furthermore, It's good to have some separation between "going through the day" high and "having fun" high. Rule 2: No long tailchian cannabinoids (P's, H's, B's) over 15% in blends This also helps prevent you from going into a cycle of higher and higher doses of long tailchain cannabinoids. While a 30% THCp blend might get you really high the first time, frequent use will spike your tolerance to the point where it feels as if it may as well have been 10% THCp. Not saying don't ever go wild and have fun, but make sure any pure phorol dabs you take for fun are few and far between. Rule 3: At least 20% Cnoids in every blend Not only does this rule help every single blend it's applied to in the sense of effects, it also lessens the total amount of psychoactive cannabinoids you are using. If you aren't using cnoids, you are really missing out on the best parts of weed. Rule 4: Keep your dabs to 50mg and under That's about the size of 2 grains of rice. If that isn't enough for you, just take another OR use a stronger blend. This helps you get the most from your product as you end up wasting far less with a smaller dab. Again, like rule 2, I'm not saying don't ever go wild and have fun, but make sure any gram dabs you take for fun are few and far between. Rule 5: Dab out of a rig whenever possible Something about hitting out of a rig is just different as stupid as that sounds. Maybe it's because the water makes it easier to hold in your lungs, maybe it's because you are filling your lungs with more smoke or because the hits are bigger. I don't know exactly what it is, but I have tried so many products over the years, and never once did I ever get the same efficiency and effects as I did taking a well-temped dab on a rig.
- Acetylated Cannabinoid Survey Results
I surveyed the community to see how everyone felt about vaping acetylated cannabinoids - here is a breakdown of the results. Raw data here if you want to do some analysis of your own. Question 1: Results (Sorted Highest to Lowest) Never, the health concerns worry me : 29.2% Many times daily : 27% 1-4 times a week :18.8% 4-6 times a week : 12.5% Never, I'm not interested/they don't work for me : 6% Once daily : 6% Observations: 30% off all people who took this quiz never vape acetates because they are worried for their health - honestly with how I see people talk about it on reddit I would have figured more people would answer that way. Vocal minority I suppose. Question 2: Results (Sorted Highest to Lowest) 1-4 times a week : 42.6% Never, I'm not interested/they don't work for me : 31.9% Many times daily : 10.6% Never, the health concerns worry me : 10.6% 4-6 times a week : 4.3% Once daily : 0% Observations I am surprised to see how many people use edibles! I thought these numbers would be far lower. Also very interesting to me to see that there is a crowd of people out there that are worried about eating acetates - I wonder what they think will happen... Question 3: Results (Sorted Highest to Lowest) I do not vape acetylated cannabinoids : 25% Pure with terps : 16.7% Blended, usually at 40% -50% : 10.4% Blended, usually at 20% - 30% : 10.4% Pure : 8.3% Blended, usually at 80% - 90% : 6.3% Blended, usually at 50% - 60% : 6.3% Blended, usually at 30% - 40% : 6.3% Blended, usually at 10% - 20% : 6.3% Blended, usually under 10% : 2.1% Blended, usually at 60% - 80% : 2.1% Observations Did not expect so many people to be vaping pure or pure with terps - I suppose in hindsight it makes sense - not everyone likes to blend like lots of us do. Just feels like wasted potential to vape it pure to me TBH. Love to see that the majority of the rest of the people are taking the advice on this site though with the 20%-50% range being 20.8% of the crowd. Question 4: Results (Sorted Highest to Lowest) No : 53.2% I do not vape acetylated cannabinoids : 25.5% Yes, I always vape through water : 10.6% Yes, but only about half the time : 10.6% Observations Around double the amount of people choose to not vape acetates through water vs without. I suspect that 53% are all using carts with maybe one or two people with a nectar collector or something. The cart market is so big man its nuts. Question 5: Results (Sorted Highest to Lowest) 400F and below : 48.9% I do not vape acetates : 25.5% 400F - 500F : 19.1% 600F - 700F : 4.3% 700F - 800F : 2.1% 900F - 1000F : 0% I combust my acetylated cannabinoids : 0% Observations Wow! How far we've come from the days of red-hot titanium bangers. I knew this was going to be reasonably not too hot, but I did not expect almost 50% of people to be vaping cooler than me. I guess that makes sense when you take into account that last stat. Lots of cart usage without water filtration is def a low temp kind of situation. Yall got me feeling like I'm playing it fast and loose out here dabbing at 600F on the enail lol. Question 6: Results (Sorted Highest to Lowest) I do not vape acetylated cannabinoids : 32.7% 1g - 3g : 18.4% 0g - 0.5g : 16.3% 6g - 10g : 16.3% 0.5g - 1g : 6.1% 3g - 6g : 6.1% 10g - 15g : 2% 25g+ : 2% 15g - 20g : 0% 20g - 25g : 0% Observations Honestly, with the group this survey was shared with, I'm really surprised to see how many of yall are casual and responsible smokers - Good for ya! Question 7: Results (See above) - Observations Interesting to see not many people are able to say they are fully confident vaping acetates even though they do it. 53.1% voted 5 or lower, which contrasts with the 65-70% of people we've observed in this survey who do vape acetates - that means around 20-25% of people who are vaping acetates have a level of confidence of 5 or lower, which is very intriguing. I guess they just don't care about their health or something. Very interesting decision. Question 8: Results (Sorted Highest to Lowest) I do not eat acetylated cannabinoids : 38.8% 1g - 3g : 16.3% 0g - 0.5g : 16.3% 0.5g - 1g : 10.2% 3g - 6g : 10.2% 6g - 10g : 6.1% 10g - 15g : 2% 15g - 20g : 0% 20g - 25g : 0% 25g+ : 0% Observations People aren't eating as much as they are vaping. Not all that surprising. Don't have anyone on the super heavy end of things like we did with vaping either. Question 9: Results (Sorted Highest to Lowest) I think it's probably okay. I vape acetates daily but sometimes get uneasy about it : 26.5% I think it's totally fine. I vape acetates daily and do so without fear : 22.4% I'm very frightened. I refuse to vape acetylated cannabinoids : 14.3% I'm frightened. I will only on a rare occasion vape acetylated cannabinoids : 12% I'm on the fence. I vape acetates, but sometimes get uneasy about it : 8.2% Observations A whopping 85.7% of people who responded will vape acetates. Of those 85%, 61% are at least somewhat frightened about it. Question 10: Results (Sorted Highest to Lowest) No, it's always been just fine : 51% I've gotten worried, but nothing happened : 16.3% No, I do not vape acetylated cannabinoids : 14.3% I got a temporary minor injury (heavy cough that goes away, etc) : 8.2% I got a temporary injury (sustained heavy cough over more than one day, etc) : 6.1% I was hospitalized and released the same day : 4.2% I was hospitalized and stayed there for many days but recovered : 0% I was hospitalized and sustained lifelong injuries : 0% Observations 67.3% of people have never had any issues with vaping acetylated cannabinoids.14.3% of people have sustained a non-serious injury from vaping acetylated cannabinoids. The 4.3% were hospitalized and released the same day I think we can write off as a freakout and nothing serious.
- How to Fix a Chazzed Banger
A chazzed banger is a term for a quartz nail that has residual buildup/staining from dabs taken out of it. If this happens, don't worry. Method 1: Burn Off The burn-off method is pretty straightforward but there are some things you want to note to do it right. Get the banger red hot from the bottom Move the flame to the affected areas, making sure not to spend too long concentrating heat in one place - especially near the joint. Inspect to make sure there aren't any black flecks left Method 2: Isopropyl Alcohol and qtips This is a "safer" method that I would use if I had a very expensive quartz banger - or if the burn off does not work. You should also do this about once a month even if the bucket of the banger is clean in order to clean the neck of it. Put isopropyl alcohol in a sandwich bag Add rock salt (optional, but helps a lot!) Shake hard for 3-5 minutes Take banger out of bag - do not rinse yet Use qtip to help clean any remaining problem areas Reshake and repeat if needed - sometimes certain stains REALLY don't want to come off.
- Quick Dabbing Tutorial For Beginners
Gather materials - Rig, quartz nail, dabber, wax, torch and carb cap - put all within arms reach. Put a dab on your dabber (if it's your first time, use a dab half the size of a grain of rice) Heat the nail until you see faint red glows. Use your wrist to gauge the temp. Hover your wrist over the banger about an inch away, and wait for the heat to build up. When it stops hurting doing that, you are good to go. If that sound kind of arbitrary, its because it is. Measuring dab temp is hard and something you need to have practice at. Once at temp, put the dab in the nail and begin inhaling. Put carb cap on nail, creating a seal. Move carb cap around to increase the surface area of the dab touching the nail. Qtip Done!
- Psychoactive Cannabinoid Bang For The Buck Tier List
THIS IS ALL MY OPINION BASED ON MY EXPERIENCE, NOT SCIENTIFIC FACT! This is a tier list showing how good of a value I perceive each of these cannabinoids to be. Have a different opinion? Comment below!